Hype Calendar

Thursday, January 21, 2010


We had to rearrange our summer schedule but now we have some of our plans getting finalized. CIY Move is going to be July 5-9th in Holland Michigan. This is the same location that we went to last year and is a fantastic sight for Move. We will leave early on that Monday and return that Saturday afternoon some time.

For more information about Move go to www.ciy.com/move

This trip will cost the students $150 which the first $50 is due April 1st (followed by a $50 on May and June 1st)

We will then be doing fundraisers for the rest of the money. We want to be able to help and assist you as much as possible so if the money is an issue talk to Ernie or Rory.

Vocab 101

We have been hitting a new series for the last couple of weeks called "Vocab 101". Our purpose in this lesson series is to explain some "church" words to our students and explain them to their lives. We are focusing on the words:
Many times students have heard these words but could not define them let alone understand what they mean for their own lives. This series started on January 6th and will end on February 3rd (thanks to missing last night due to the ice). Come on our to hear this lesson.